_retention_seconds: 86400 # retain temp files for default of 25 hours, mostly for debuggingĪs per retention seconds, it is checking for previous days file and as it is not available it is throwing alerts. Temp.dir: '.\temp\' # folder to write temporary files to (csv, png for viz exports). : '.\ops\' # file written to keep the last run state for schedules This warning typically indicates that Log Server does not have the necessary read, write, and delete permissions to the cache directory (C:Program Files. Log.level: DEBUG # level of log verbosity
I tried the .FileUtils.forceDelete() method. I got to the directory, and just tried to delete it after the test has ran: I can delete it myself. _retention_seconds: 432000 # retain log files for default of 5 days java.io.IOException: Unable to delete directory C:\Users\martin\AppData\Local\Temp\packages3096883734780765073\WindowsAzure.Storage. The below is the snapshot of the config file we are using Local paths settings log.dir: '.\logs\' # folder write dump log files to. We are using the default working directory and we are executing it with admin user. \temp, error: The system cannot find the file specified: u'.\temp\20200623033104599000_MainThread_VizAlertsConfig-ScheduledTriggerViews.csv' OSError: Unable to cleanup temp directory. We are getting below alert notifications mails frequently when Vizalerts are getting executed.